Sometimes when I talk about home, I wonder if people think I am a bit crazy. Why on earth would you
want to live somewhere like that?
You don't own an umbrella? Doesn't it rain
a lot in Oregon?
What do you mean you've
never seen Livermush. You
can't even
buy it there?
So you are telling me you think
Target is better than Walmart?
Yes my friends, I am in a different world here, but I am slowly falling in love with it. Scott has been wonderful. He can see how much I miss not only my family and friends but also all of the things that make Oregon/Portland unique and tries to accommodate my need to eat sushi and visit Costco on the regular. I try my best to tell him, in great detail, about everything I love about home. How green everything is, what real mountains look like and how you can eat around the world in one city block. I have a list of things I want to show him when we make our way out West so he is able to understand this crazy West coast girl a little more.
On the flip side Scott has been wonderful in sharing his world with me, a little easier for him to do since we are on his home turf. From trying new foods and seeing new sites to driving new vehicles! He has yet to let me drive his truck, but I was able to work my way into driving the tractor! Let me tell you, I was more scared about hurting his John Deere than I was when I first drove my car solo after I got my license, and I made my cousin Melanie drive home behind me just to make sure I didn't wreck!
Nothing runs like a Deere! |
Like I said, I am slowly falling in love with life here. Portland will always be my home, and I know I'll always have a place for me there - But I am excited to see what the South East has in store for me!